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From the Rabbi - May 9, 2024

Rabbi Chaitovsky

We are honored to be paying tribute to our community’s Holocaust survivors and their families this Shabbat. As I am sure we all know, the number of survivors is rapidly shrinking. Here in Colorado, there are currently just fifteen people with first-hand knowledge of the Holocaust. Eight of those are members of BMH-BJ. The Shabbat will cap a week of special programming designed to heighten awareness of this tragic period, about which there is still much to learn. I will be sharing a few words about how Yom Hashoa – Holocaust Memorial Day was noticeably different this year than those of other years. We will welcome local business man and BMH-BJ member, Avi Brown, who will speak on “From the Holocaust to Israel” at approximately 11:20 AM.

On Shabbat Day, after mincha at 7:30, we will be hearing from two Israeli soldiers, Hodaya and Elad Blitz, a young, married, religiously observant couple with a fascinating story to tell. They will speak during seudat shlishit. I encourage all to attend.

The Holocaust then – and the current anti-semitic/anti-Zionist wind blowing across the country, around the globe and even in Israel, now – demonstrates that we have not yet perfected our fulfillment of the words in this week’s Torah portion, Kedoshim, which exhort to Love Our Neighbor As Ourselves. Rabbi Akiva taught that this was the great principle of the Torah, its central pillar.The world still has a way to go, it seems. Come to shul this Shabbat to learn more.

Mon, May 20 2024 12 Iyyar 5784